Knicker Luxe Ruby Hipster

knx4See this box? It was perfumed. I received a perfumed box in the mail approximately a month ago, with a beautiful pair of underwear inside. As someone who denied their feminine side for a large part of their life, this was a surreal experience.


From time to time I receive PR emails informing me of new brands and collections. I don’t usually respond to these emails or advertise them here on my blog because I’m not keen on giving brands I don’t feel invested in free advertisement, or care to receive samples from brands I’m not personally interested in. This post is the very rare exception in which I received a PR email and was legitimately interested in what I saw.

Knicker Luxe's homepage

Knicker Luxe’s homepage

I visited Knicker Luxe’s website before replying to the PR inquiry to see what they were all about, and was struck by their model on the homepage. She looks comfortable, casual, and just plain happy. They captured a feeling in her photograph that I would love to see more widespread in the lingerie industry. A feeling of “hey, I’m in my knickers and I’m happy,” with no additional bells or whistles about it. Their homepage is clean and simple, sporting a minimalist all grey aesthetic. Design-wise everything looks thoughtful and intentional, something that I’m always trying to achieve myself in my own art practice.


I could say absolutely the same thing about the knickers themselves, right down to the packaging. I was having a pretty crummy day when this package arrived. Truthfully, I didn’t even remember that it was coming. I picked up the parcel on my lunch break and opened it up for a sneak-peak as I waited in line for my lunch order, and there I found the pretty, perfumed box. I opened it up, and inside were the most delicately wrapped pair of knickers, tied together with a little string. And they were also my favourite knickers from their whole store, completely by happenstance– definitely a ray of sunshine on an otherwise lousy day.


I was sent the Ruby hipster in latte in a size 8, and the fit is bang on. Going by the size chart on their website, size 8 was the correct choice for me, which means there’s a decent chance you can rely on the size chart as well. Despite not being seamless, the seams are quite discreet, and they fit my bottom so well that they are actually less visible on me than some undies that claim to be seamless.


Ruby is made of a thin pima cotton, and is about as comfortable as you could want a knicker to be. I’m actually wearing them as I type this, and what’s so notable about them is actually that I don’t notice them at all. Wearing these undies is sort of like wearing nothing, while still feeling contained. The waist band is elasticized but doesn’t dig in uncomfortably, and helps to keep the undies in in place all day. They provide full bum coverage, making them a great everyday option for me.


So without being too gushy, yes, they’re one of the most comfortable pairs of underwear in my drawer, fit true to size, and all that other fun jazz. But can we talk about how pretty and understated they are for a second? The latte base with black accents are streamlined and basic without being boring, and the use of embroidery is the definition of restraint done well. There’s also a small charm of what appears to be a classic looking hand-fan adorning the front of the underwear that speaks to the “luxe” in the brand’s name without looking ostentatious.


I had no expectations about Knicker Luxe, so I can’t really say whether they were met or exceeded. What I can say is that I’ve been very happy with these undies and would recommend them to anyone seeking comfortable, breathable basics with simple, but in no way boring, aesthetics. I sincerely hope to see the Ruby hipster in more colour options in the future.

Ruby retails for $24.94 AUD ($25.30 CAD), which I’d say is more than fair price for the quality of the item. They have held up through multiple machine washings and look great (even the embroidery, which I was tentative about throwing into a washing machine, looks perfect).


